Monday, 9 May 2016

Transferred again! Back to Cannon


      Sorry if this is a short letter, but we have transfers this week and I found out that I'm getting transferred! I was pretty shocked when I found out because Elder Lemmon and I just got together in this new area, and I love it! It's been so amazing serving here. I'm sad that it was only for 1 transfer but the Lord has his ways.
     I also thought I was going to train a new missionary before I go home, but I'm actually going back to one of my old areas as a Zone Leader. I'm returning to the Cannon 6th Branch! I'll possibly end my mission there, I guess we will see what happens in the future but for now I'm just going to work as hard as I can. The last thing I want to do is go home with regrets, I'm not trunky I promise! Hahaha I'm going to work the hardest I have ever worked on my mission.
     My new companion is gonna be Elder Valledares, he is from El Salvador. He has been out for about a year so I'm excited to be with him! It's gonna be a good time! I am excited to go back to my old area! I was only there for about a month because I got transferred early, so I'm assuming that the Lord has more work for me to do!
      Well, I know that God lives! I'm so grateful for the change I have seen in myself throughout the mission. It was amazing to talk to my family yesterday. I was so grateful to see them. They are doing great, and I'm excited to see them in a few months. But don't worry, I'm not trunky! Haha

     We also are going to have a baptism this Saturday! So I will be returning for the baptism because I am going to baptize one of the girls that's getting baptized! That will be sweet! I'll make sure to
post pictures next week! Have a great week!
         Elder Strate

      We had a fun p-day last week! This is Elder Hadden and Elder Curioso!

      I found the German restaurant that dad told me he loved when he was a missionary here. The food was super good! :) if I'm ever in downtown I know a good place to stop by now! Thanks Dad.

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