Monday, 16 May 2016

Saturday's are great!


         We had a crazy week my first week back in the Cannon 6th Branch. First off, I had two baptisms on Saturday! Two littler girls in the Lucero Ward (my last area) got baptized! Ana and Alondra Gonzales were baptized and it was an amazing service. Elder Lemmon had the privilege of baptizing Alondra and I baptized Ana! It was such an amazing experience! We taught them and their father who is wo reactivated and working in getting the Melchizedek Priesthood! He's doing so well, and I know that the new Elders in the area will take great care of them. 

         I also got to attend the Bountiful Temple on Saturday morning because a family I worked with in the Arbor Branch (also part of my last area) went and got their endowments! It was so cool to see them dressed in white and receiving more gifts from our Father in Heaven. The word endowment means gift, because that's exactly what we get when we go into the temple! We have the opportunity to make more covenants with God, and when we live up to those covenants we receive even more blessings. The way to eternal life is simple, keep the promises we have made with our Lord and endure to the end. God gives us covenants so we can have strength to endure to the end. As we live up to our covenants, we are worthy for the presence of the Holy Ghost which enables us to persevere throughout our life. I know that these blessings are available to EVERYONE that will repent, and become worthy to enter into the Lord's house.

         Isabela Chavez, she got baptized on Saturday too in my new area. Sometimes Saturday's are the best days of the week as a missionary ;)

         My new companion is awesome. His name is Elder Valladares, he's from El Salvador. We have been speaking Spanish most of the time together and that's been really good for my Spanish, but we have made a goal to speak English more so he can continue to learn English. It's been going really well. The zone is doing good but there is always room for improvement! I know this is going to be a great transfer!
         We also picked up 4 new investigators this week. They are all people that I used to teach in this area, and when I left they were doing well and I'm not sure why they haven't been baptized yet, but it's all good! We will see what we can do with them. I also have seen a lot of people that I knew in this area before and it's been really cool to experience that. I have loved it here so far!

         Have a great week! Love you all! 
                           Elder Strate

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