This week was good! We have found some new people to teach that are doing very good, we had a few investigators come to Stake Conference on Sunday so that was awesome. They all really enjoyed it and felt the spirit, so we are happy they decided to come! The focus on Stake Conference was structured around the fact that this is Christ's only true church on the earth. It was amazing, our stake Presidency in the Pioneer YSA stake is very inspired and I'm so grateful for all the members in our stake. I know when the members help find people for the missionaries to teach that the work progresses faster. I love my area and the members here, they're all so cool and very helpful in the
We taught a good amount of lessons this week, not a ton but we still got a lot of work done. We have had some reactivations this transfer which has been great! I know the Lord will bless us when we are obedient, consecrated, and charitable missionaries. He will help us find and teach the elect when we work hard and do the work his way.
I saw Sister Lybbert again this week at Temple Square! This time we made sure to get a picture together. She is doing good and we are trying our best to be good representatives of the Magrath Stake!
I had some interesting thoughts this week regarding reactivation, so I searched for resources about this topic. I found these teachings from President Ezra Taft Benson that are very helpful for me and I'm sure it will be helpful for you as well.
President Benson states; "The principles to activate souls do not change. They are:
1. The lost or less active must be found and contacted.
2. Loving concern must be demonstrated. They must feel of our love.
3. They must be taught the gospel. They must feel the power of the Holy Ghost through the
4. They must be included in the fellowship of the ward or branch.
5. They must have meaningful Church responsibilities.
In the words of the Book of Mormon, we are to “continue to minister.” (3 Ne. 18:32.)
Let us be united in our efforts to bring the less active back into full activity in the Church. In doing so, we will all be more fitly joined together in accomplishing the mission of the Church--to bring
the gospel, with all of its blessings and ordinances, more fully into the lives of all Church members. The Church “hath need of every member” (D&C 84:110), and every member has need of the gospel, the Church, and all its ordinances.
May we all seek the blessings of the Lord to strengthen us and give us the necessary power and influence we will need as we work together in this great labor of love."
-President Ezra Taft Benson
I love how he says, "we will all be more fitly joined together in accomplishing the mission of the church." When we actively participate in the work of salvation we will feel more unified in our wards. We will feel more like a big, happy family as apposed to just a group that meets every Sunday. I know as we help bring back the lost sheep that we will see miracles and our personal conversion will increase.
I also got to return to my last area because three of my old investigators got baptized! It was amazing to see Gabby, Luis and Veronica Fierro when the entered into the covenant of baptism. I know baptism is essential to enter into the kingdom of God, and I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the kingdom of God on the earth today.
If any of you are struggling with the recent announcement from the church, just go back to the basic principles of the gospel. For example, remember the time when you received a spiritual witness that the Book of Mormon is true, and Joseph Smith was a prophet of God.
Remember the day you were baptized, received the priesthood, sealed in the temple, etc.. When we remember these experiences we will remember how much God loves us and if we truly know that Joseph Smith was a prophet, and the priesthood is here in this church today, then anything that anyone else says about the church doesn't matter. The simple fact that we have the priesthood, modern day revelation, and living prophets means that Jesus Christ is running this church, and
the church is true. I know Jesus Christ lives and that he loves us.
Have a great week!
Elder Strate
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