Hey everyone!
is still really good, the weather here is super nice for February, it's
like 15 Celsius here right now it's really nice. We've still been
teaching lots and loving the people that we find. We found some more
people to teach this last week so it looks like we'll keep teaching!
baptism this week went really well, the service was great and there
were a lot of people there showing their support for the Guevara kids.
1st Picture left to right is, Elder Osborne, Elder Firpo, Andrea, Jesus, Angela, Arnaldo, and me!
2nd Picture are the 3 Elders that taught these kids.
My new companion is from Fresno, California. He loves music and baseball, except his favorite team is the Dodgers
but he's from Cali so it's expected he would be either a Dodgers or
Giants fan so either way it's a loss haha. He is really talented
musically and he goes home in like 2 transfers. I'm pretty sure this
transfer will be my last one here in the Bountiful-Spanish area. I've
been here since November, but you never know! Ever since I've got here
our ward has had 12 convert baptisms and 10 returning members, and
before I got here there had not been an investigator to church since
last May. The Lord has blessed this area so much, every week since I
came to this area we've had an investigator at church, at least 1 haha.
Calgary I'm up to 14 baptisms on my mission so far.
Nicole (the girl
whose house I skyped at on Christmas) is getting baptized on Valentine's
Day and I'm so excited for her! She finally found a place and moved out
and now she's eligible for baptism. I'm so excited for her! She is so
solid, she's expressed a desire to go on a mission in a year too! I'll
still be on my mission in a year so if she does I'll be allowed to go to
the temple with her and to her mission farewell! That would be so
amazing!! All of my Recent Converts are doing well, the Guadarrama kid's
bless and pass the sacrament every week. Their family has made it
really clear that they want to attend the temple in a year too. Teresa
and her family are doing well, she continues to go to church with 4 kids
younger than 8 every week. She just got a temple recommend and we're
going to set a date to go to the temple with her and do baptisms for the
dead. Juan Juarez just got the priesthood, and he'll bless the
Sacrament next week and Brother Guadarrama is teaching him how to do it!
HAHAHAHA I love it here, it's so awesome!!!! We're going to work, it's
the best!! We just found more new people too, I love it they're all
President Hansen is being released this upcoming March, and we have a new Mission President coming then too! His name is President Spendlove, he's from San Antonio Texas. President Hansen is still running the mission right now, but he'll be leaving soon. I love him and his family so much, and he's such an amazing man. He said he'll come visit us and told us top stop by if we're ever in St. George. He also said he wants to go back and be a temple sealer in the St. George temple like he was before he was called as a mission President. He also told us to invite him to anything we have, I already told him I'll invite him to my wedding and he said he would try and come! Haha he said he's been to Alberta before when he was a 70 for the church and he loves how beautiful everything is in Southern Alberta. He knows where Magrath, Cardston, and all those places are. It was really cool to meet an American who actually knows where places like that are haha. SO yeah, I'm going to invite him to my wedding! And then you will meet him and you will love him, trust me he's an amazing man.
President Hansen is being released this upcoming March, and we have a new Mission President coming then too! His name is President Spendlove, he's from San Antonio Texas. President Hansen is still running the mission right now, but he'll be leaving soon. I love him and his family so much, and he's such an amazing man. He said he'll come visit us and told us top stop by if we're ever in St. George. He also said he wants to go back and be a temple sealer in the St. George temple like he was before he was called as a mission President. He also told us to invite him to anything we have, I already told him I'll invite him to my wedding and he said he would try and come! Haha he said he's been to Alberta before when he was a 70 for the church and he loves how beautiful everything is in Southern Alberta. He knows where Magrath, Cardston, and all those places are. It was really cool to meet an American who actually knows where places like that are haha. SO yeah, I'm going to invite him to my wedding! And then you will meet him and you will love him, trust me he's an amazing man.
Love all of you
and thanks for the prayers! GO RAPTORS, SUNS and CAVALIERS! Haha time to
start making my opinion known on basketball because football is over
Elder Strate
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