Thursday, 30 April 2015
Zone Pic
Bountiful and Rose Park zones combined zone conference picture - April 28, 2015. Great missionaries! Wonderful meeting!
Derek is in back row middle, Colton Steed is back row far right.
Monday, 27 April 2015
Loving the new area
Hey everyone!
My first week in Rose Park was amazing! I love this
new area and there is a lot of work to be done here. Elder Strother is
my new companion, he is freaking tall! He's 6'8, the tallest missionary
in the mission. We also figured out that we are the tallest
companionship in the mission, his 6'8 height plus my 6'3 height adds up.
I think we will be intimidating Hispanics into baptism because we are
so much bigger than most of them LOL!
We have a bunch of duties as zone leaders, and honestly I still
don't know all of them yet as I am still adjusting to the new calling.
We take baptismal records to the mission office today after emailing, we
pick up mail every Thursday and hand it out at district/zone meetings
on Friday. We do trainings in meetings for other missionaries, which I
love. I love being able to help and serve others, it's a great blessing.
In this zone there are only two sets of missionaries that have a car,
and we actually drive a mini van around it's kinda funny haha. We give
lots of other missionaries rides and stuff like that. All and all we
just are here as zone leaders to help other people out, and to help
everyone to be better missionaries. I was looking at the transfer board
the other day and I'm one of the youngest zone leaders in the mission,
and one of the youngest leaders in the whole mission in general
(district leaders, zone leaders, trainers, assistants, and sister
training leaders)
I have a great opportunity and it's been awesome.
We had a baptism too!
David Hernandez was baptized and it was an awesome experience! He was
very prepared by the Lord and it was a great experience to work with
him. Now we are trying to help him receive the priesthood and get to the
temple for some baptisms. I love missionary work, it is amazing.
also had a Spanish Fireside yesterday for our mission. Elder Don R.
Clarke of the 70 came and spoke to the Spanish community. He served his
mission in Argentina so he speaks very very good Spanish. He has
traveled to many different Spanish countries all over the world, it was
amazing to hear his experiences. I saw some members from my last 2 areas
too! I got to see Nicole again, who I baptized in Bountiful.
It was
awesome to see all of those people again, it was also awesome to see
lot's of missionaries again!
I love the mission, it is incredible and I can't wait to continue serving the Lord!
Got this from from President - "Be sure and let your families and friends know that we've launched a new
Facebook group that they can join to post on and follow the happenings
of the great Utah Salt Lake City mission. It's called "USLCM -
Elder Strate
Monday, 20 April 2015
Trasferred again - onto a new calling - ZL
Wow I couldn't
believe the kind of week we had, it was crazy. So first we put a few
more investigators on date, and then we had our baptism on Saturday.
baptized a 79 year old lady named Maria Nunez. She is an amazing lady, I
was so grateful for the decision she made to enter into the covenant of
baptism, it was awesome. She has a great spirit with her and whenever I
see her she always has a smile on her face. The feeling I get when I
see a recent convert and the spirit they have with them, their smiles
always seem to get to me. I can tell that the fully restored gospel of
Jesus Christ really does bring eternal happiness.
I don't have
a ton of time to write today sorry, but it's because I'm getting
transferred! I was only in the Buena Vista Branch, Pioneer Stake for 6
weeks! Freak that is not a very long time, but I'm going to Rose Park to
be a Zone Leader. I'm serving with Elder Strother, and he has served
with some of my other companions and I heard he is an amazing
missionary. I'm so excited to serve with him, but it is a little bitter
I loved the Buena Vista Branch and my companion Elder Barfuss. We
both wanted to serve with each other for longer than one transfer, but I
guess the Lord had different plans. It's going to be an interesting
Elder Strate
Monday, 13 April 2015
Do you want to meet the mayor?
Hey everyone!
I'm doing really well here, I
love serving in the heart of Salt Lake City. The area is a little
rough, but all in all everything is amazing!
We had an awesome miracle I
want to share with you. So this week we were teaching an investigator
and she is like 80 years old. The rest of her family are members of the
church but she has always been satisfied with Catholicism. We went over
to visit her, and she was really sick. We gave her a blessing, and after
the blessing she was crying. She told us that she has had 100's of
missionaries come over in the past, and this was the first time she had
ever felt God's power and love through us. She told us whenever we shake
her hand or give her blessings, she feels like God is doing it, not us.
It was amazing, and she is getting baptized this Saturday. I'm so
excited for her to take this step in her life, but I'm even more
grateful for the presence God is in our life. It was an incredible
experience, and I just felt like I needed to share this with all of you.
I testify that the Priesthood power is such a blessing and it is so
real! When we are worthy to have it, and when we exercise our Priesthood
we receive countless blessings and miracles from our father in heaven.
were just at a place called the Sorenson Center because we were
updating some of our progress records online, and this lady walked in
the room and she was like, "Hey do you Elders want to meet the mayor of
Sacramento?" The other missionaries with us were like, "No that's
random." But I was like, "Guys, the mayor of Sacramento is Kevin
Johnson, he used to play ball for the Suns." So we went outside and we
met him. Didn't get to talk to him very long, but he was a really nice
guy. He was talking with some younger kids and stuff, he was also with
the mayor of Salt Lake City so we got to meet both of them. yes I got a
picture with him.
It was a great
experience. He played with Barkley when the Suns should've beat Jordan
in the finals in 1992. Yes I know I'm a missionary, but that doesn't
mean my basketball mind has evaporated or anything haha. He was cool, I
was also wearing a purple tie and he was like, "Elder, I like that tie."
I told him, "Thanks, I wore it on a good day because the Suns are one
of my favorite teams!" Haha it was a cool experience, I loved it.
I love it out here, it's been awesome serving here in the Pioneer Stake. Transfers are in 8 days so we will see what happens.
Thank you for your prayers and support, I can feel your love all the way out here in Salt Lake City.
week we were shopping at the City Creek shopping mall and I got a great
deal on a new LeBron James Cavaliers Jersey, I'll send you a picture of
me wearing it. I hope you guys didn't buy me one as a surprise or
anything when I get home, that would be awkward haha so if you were
planning on it, don't please! haha I already have one.
Elder Strate
Wednesday, 8 April 2015
Derek made it in the news!
Former NBA all-star 'KJ' applauds SLC innovations
"You know who this is, right? This is the mayor of Salt Lake," Johnson told a small group of students from Riley Elementary School.
“Shake Mayor Becker’s hand before you guys leave so you can say you met the mayor."
Turning to Johnson, Becker replied: "This is the mayor of Sacramento and not as importantly, he was an all-time great basketball player, who almost single-handedly beat the Utah Jazz."
“Almost, almost,” Johnson said, softly laughing.
Johnson is in Utah for a two-day visit, which included visits to the Unity Center, the Glendale-Mountainview Community Learning Center campus and the Salt Lake City Innovations Early College High School.
The mayors were also scheduled to attend the Utah Jazz-Sacramento Kings game at Energy Solutions Arena Wednesday night.
"This is unbelievable. Glendale is one of the most diverse parts of Salt Lake City and for the community to have the opportunity to get technology and arts, some of the things that don’t typically happen in our school day, it’s awesome for the young people. You can see the diversity here. That’s one of the things that really stood out. A lot of times people don’t associate diversity and Salt Lake City. I’m seeing it firsthand in this community," Johnson said.
Becker said Johnson's visit was an opportunity for him to get the perspective of a mayor who also leads a capital city regarding Salt Lake's services, innovations and partnerships underway in Salt Lake City.
"We're going to spend some time comparing notes what we’re doing and what we can learn from each other. We call it a healthy competition. We compete on the basketball courts and we compete sort of as cities, who is doing more to help our cities get ahead or catch up, as the case may be, with what the communities are doing," said Becker, who is president of the National League of Cities.
As for 10-year-old Ashley Vilchez, a fourth-grader at Riley Elementary School, the visit by the two mayors was "awesome."
"I really wanted to meet the mayor (Becker) a lot. It was nice to meet him (Johnson), too. He's nice. It's awesome he played basketball. I like basketball, too."
Former NBA all-star 'KJ' applauds SLC innovations
SALT LAKE CITY — After an all-star
career in the NBA, point-guard-turned-Sacramento-mayor Kevin Johnson is
an old pro at dolling out assists.
Johnson, who played 12 seasons with the Cleveland Cavaliers and the
Phoenix Suns, during which he had more than 6,700 career assists,
offered up another to Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker Wednesday during
a visit to the Sorenson Unity Center.
"You know who this is, right? This is the mayor of Salt Lake," Johnson told a small group of students from Riley Elementary School.
“Shake Mayor Becker’s hand before you guys leave so you can say you met the mayor."
Turning to Johnson, Becker replied: "This is the mayor of Sacramento and not as importantly, he was an all-time great basketball player, who almost single-handedly beat the Utah Jazz."
“Almost, almost,” Johnson said, softly laughing.
Johnson is in Utah for a two-day visit, which included visits to the Unity Center, the Glendale-Mountainview Community Learning Center campus and the Salt Lake City Innovations Early College High School.
The mayors were also scheduled to attend the Utah Jazz-Sacramento Kings game at Energy Solutions Arena Wednesday night.
I got my notes here. I'm going to take notes and beg and borrow and steal some of the good things that are happening.
–Kevin Johnson, president of the U.S. Conference of Mayors.
"I got my notes here. I’m going to take notes and beg and borrow and
steal some of the good things that are happening," said Johnson, who is
president of the U.S. Conference of Mayors.
Johnson's first impressions of the Sorenson Unity Center appeared to be
positive. He and Becker watched a dance performance by a group of Riley
Elementary School students and visited the center's Intel Computer
"This is unbelievable. Glendale is one of the most diverse parts of Salt Lake City and for the community to have the opportunity to get technology and arts, some of the things that don’t typically happen in our school day, it’s awesome for the young people. You can see the diversity here. That’s one of the things that really stood out. A lot of times people don’t associate diversity and Salt Lake City. I’m seeing it firsthand in this community," Johnson said.
Becker said Johnson's visit was an opportunity for him to get the perspective of a mayor who also leads a capital city regarding Salt Lake's services, innovations and partnerships underway in Salt Lake City.
"We're going to spend some time comparing notes what we’re doing and what we can learn from each other. We call it a healthy competition. We compete on the basketball courts and we compete sort of as cities, who is doing more to help our cities get ahead or catch up, as the case may be, with what the communities are doing," said Becker, who is president of the National League of Cities.
As for 10-year-old Ashley Vilchez, a fourth-grader at Riley Elementary School, the visit by the two mayors was "awesome."
"I really wanted to meet the mayor (Becker) a lot. It was nice to meet him (Johnson), too. He's nice. It's awesome he played basketball. I like basketball, too."
Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson shakes hands with LDS
missionaries who heard that he and Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker
were on a tour of the Sorenson Unity Center in Salt Lake City on
Wednesday, April 8, 2015. (Photo: Chelsey Allder, Deseret News)
Monday, 6 April 2015
Hey everyone!
Conference was spectacular! I
loved all of the talks and they all have had an influence on my life.
I'm so grateful that we have living Prophets and Apostles today that
speak for God in this increasingly wicked world. I know that if we apply
the teachings we received from them, we will be blessed and comforted
by the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I didn't get to go to temple square or conference at all. Our stake didn't have any tickets and we aren't supposed to beg or solicit
tickets as missionaries, so we just listened to/watched conference with
members or in our apartment on the radio. Sad I know, but at least I
still have 2 more conferences on my mission!
I loved many
of the talks, but I think the one that stuck out to me the most was the
one by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf in the Sunday Morning Session. Check
it out when you have time, I loved that talk so much!
I have been thinking about how we can help our investigators receive
the blessings from baptism and conformation quicker, but without
rushing/pushing them to the font. After conference I have realized this
is the answer, at least for me, and I know this can apply to everyone's
lives. It's really simple, are you ready? haha it's the fact we need
to love God and Jesus Christ. They both love us infinitely, so we should
try to love them as much as we can. They have given us everything,
there is so much to be grateful for. If we will just be humble, submit
our will to God's, and love him with all our heart, might, mind, and
strength, everything else in the gospel will follow. I know this to be
true, and I know if my investigators will try to love God, they will
feel his indescribable love back to us, and they will want to do
anything that we invite them to do.
Just an interesting thought that I received during this conference.
We have 2 people on date for baptism for May 2nd. We have like 9 investigators that
could be baptized at any time, they all just have a few problems they
need to work out such as church attendance, smoking, marriage, stuff
like that before they can be baptized. It's been a little frustrating,
but once those problems are taken care of this area will explode with
baptisms. I also had my interview with president Spendlove last week,
he's such a cool guy. Him and President Hansen are way different, but
they are both amazing men.
Love you all and take care,
Elder Strate
Friday, 3 April 2015
Elder Barfuss's sister came down to conference and got permission to take the boys out for lunch! She texted this to us.
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