everyone! October
18, 2014
I've been a missionary for over 2 months
To start off, I'm cheering for the Royals
in the World Series. Matt Noad informed me that Wainwright and Molina were
hurt, so that's why the Cardinals lost :). I'm not cheering for the Giants EVER
in my life, so go Royals! They do seem like the team of destiny this year from
what I've heard, just like the Red Sox were last year. GO ROYALS! Haha
My week was good, my knee is feeling a
lot better thanks for the cream! I got two packages this week, one from Aunt
Carla and one from mi Mama! Gracias both of you! It was so nice to get those
packages, and the treats are always nice. I've been sharing some of my Canadian
candy with the other missionaries because they've never had a Wunderbar or
Smarties before, some have admitted that our candy is better than there's which
is awesome!
I discovered this week that my
investigator was the same investigator that Dawson had! His name is Marco, and
he's from Peru. SPOILER ALERT! He's a member, and has been for years. He's
served in bishoprics and on stake presidencies, he told me this because I saw
him at the temple last Saturday. He told me he loves Dawson, and he's grown to
love me too. Dawson and I will have to go and see him after our missions, he's
a super cool, nice, and humble guy. He has both of our emails so we can stay in
touch, I feel like I've made a lifelong friend with him. It was a very humbling
experience to get to know him, and I feel like my confidence has matured
because of his support for all missionaries.

Keep working hard in everything you guys
are doing, I love all of you so much! Thanks for all the prayers, and HAPPY
BIRTHDAY TO GRANDMA STRATE TODAY! I read something the other day that said;
"Birthdays are like golf, the higher the score the more likely we are to
lie about it!" haha it just made me laugh because I knew Grandma's
birthday was today, and I thought she would never lie about her age, but
Grandpa might! :) ha ha
The feeling here is amazing and I just
want to testify how much the Lord can influence our lives. Here at the MTC I
was starting to feel bored and I was getting sick of it, because I knew it was
so fake. I've been in the field and already learned almost everything I'm
learning here (except the language) and it was starting to frustrate me. I just
wanted to go to the field right now so badly! I was sick of everything here and
I wanted to talk to normal people, like on the street like I did in Calgary.
When I prayed to the Lord I realized that I need to look for ways I can grow,
and to take advantage of how far ahead I am compared to others. I did that, and
the Lord blessed me with Marco's commitment to baptism yesterday. It was an
incredible feeling, and even though I knew he was just acting, it didn't
matter. The Spirit was still there and I
loved the feeling I received.
Thanks again for everything, and thanks
for the support. Seahawks better be winning, I can't let all the 49ers fans
have something to bug me about.
I received an email from my companions in
Calgary. One of my investigators from there got baptized this week, he's the
one with the mustache, his name is Jabe King. He's a super cool guy and I love
him! The other person that baptized him is name Ivan Lagace, and he was my ward
mission leader in Calgary! Super cool just thought I would let you know.